The Transcendence Experiment
How to know if this is right for you
You’d like to experience more bliss and pleasure.
you’d like to feel better physically or heal your body.
You’d like to experience more radical self love & love of life.
You’re ready to upgrade your intuition, or have always wanted to be clairvoyant
You’d like to improve your manifestation abilities
You know there’s a whole other level of life just waiting to be accessed, you just don’t know how to get there.
You’ve been wanting to begin a regular meditation practice but haven’t had the knowledge, accountability or community to do it consistently.
You’re looking for your tribe.
Your emotional health is in balance. (For the most part.) You’re doing the work and your default state is emotional neutrality or close to it. If you’re still regularly struggling with emotional turmoil, I recommend using these tools first, because meditation is not nearly as pleasant or effortless if you’ve got a bunch of emotional baggage, plus this depth of meditation is likely to dredge up whatever you haven’t dealt with yet. DON’T SKIP THE EMOTIONAL WORK! In other words, deal with your lower chakra garbage before trying to access your higher chakras, and the experience will be much more pleasant/productive.